Another Brick in the Wall VI

C.S Lewis

Of course, I have never met him personally but he is, I believe, one of the most prolific authors in the Kingdom of God. Although when writing about theological matter he diminishes his own thoughts by constantly pointing out his laity, I wish I could find a Pastor with his wisdom and understanding.

I was first introduced to him in fourth grade where our reading teacher, Mrs. Williams, read us The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was a great story and though I have read it a dozen times I never cease to be amazed. When I was older I realized that he had written more than those seven children’s books. Mere Christianity should be mandatory reading for every Christian, and the Screwtape letters is one of my personal favorites, especially if you can get the unabridged audio by John Cleese, something about it being in a British accent makes it better

His grasp of not only the Word of God but of language makes me feel clumsy as I write this but all the more makes me strive to improve.

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