Easter Lessons

As part of being A Godly father I spend a lot of time thinking about how to teach my children about the Lord.  As a family we do our best to take advantage of the Holidays and focus on the real point of it all.  (Alora said Easter is her favorite because Jesus is alive and we get east eggs)

This year we are again making the Jesus tomb suggested by John and Noel piper.  We will build a giant mound of dough in to a tomb (using a can for the tomb itself) and we will build crosses and people out of pipe cleaners.  We put Jesus in the tomb on Good Friday and Easter morning we hide him near by so the Girls can find him.

But in order to help us tell the story Heater also found “Resurrection Eggs” They are 12 little plastic Easter eggs each with a number and inside is an item that helps you tell the story of the resurrection.  So, 1 is a little donkey for Palm Sunday when Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem.

The girls are ecstatic about them and hopefully by next year Alora will be able to tell us the story.

Don’t let Holidays become just about the secular trappings, or let the spiritual significance be pushed off to the side.

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2 responses to “Easter Lessons”

  1. Very cool, Jason!

    I heard of Resurrection cookies, too. If I find the recipe, I’ll share it with ya. 🙂

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