- Hey I am not on my way to @veritascolumbus cause we have morning service now. Awesome #
- "Stuff Christians like" is cracking me up, get it free here http://bit.ly/c4tLsz. Go get it and have a good laugh. #
- If you paid every $ you have earned to the government so far this year you would have just finished paying your taxes. http://bit.ly/cmteSu #
- RT @Leal532547: Your IPAD is pending shipment. Please verify here: http://bit.ly/bdGGSi @jasonrfisher ///Should I do it? #
- Wow, Dads take a look at this and see what you can learn on pastoring your family http://bit.ly/bWFRv8 #
- Help me, there is a 25lb box of sweedish fish in my office. I don't think I can resist. #
- awww, I miss old hymnal scent. @prodigaljohn #
- Starting my first journey into the world of Deitrick Bonhoffer. Going to start reading the "Cost of Discipleship" #
- Of course that is Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I pasted the wrong name. #
- Working from home this morning not sure if I am sick from a bug or a killer bike ride last night but I feel like crap all the same. #
- How do I know my wife is THE ONE for me? I am married to her. That makes her THE ONE. #
- I love being part of a group of men that is marked by (and occasionally mocked for) their love for their wives. #A29 http://bit.ly/4G6id6 #
- 250 is better than a whole new fridge right? #
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