- Left Alora at Nanas. Thought Zoe would freak. Turns out we were projecting. #
- Hey Jerk on the phone in the Z3 (I70) doing 60 in the fast lane in a 70 right beside the truck blocking both lanes for 20 miles. YOU SUCK! #
- I think that when the sad day comes and JoePa retires the Nittany Lion mascot should get a pair of black rimmed glasses. #
- I just realized I have a 16 hour day ahead of me. At least I will get to see Heather and Zoe for few minutes. #
- Old Skool #FIF The God of ever-lasting comfort, believed in me, Loved me when I was faithless, he still died for me. #
- OK getting my first Android phone tomorrow (EVO) what are your must have apps? #
- So if you stay on hold with a @sprint store long enough it will just kick you off? #
- Anyone else have good Android apps to recommend? #
- "Summertime" is still one of the greatest jams of all time. #
- I just scanned my business card into my phone contact list. Android is great. #
- http://twitpic.com/1u7dn1 just sayin. You know you want some #
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