- Obama administration — Individual mandate absolutely not a tax, just legal under our power to tax http://nyti.ms/aZ19RU #
- I feel yucky and I want to go home. #
- This project is finally live, let's see how long it lasts. Can we slay the beast before it slays us? #
- SWEET, the site is taking orders again, no one breathe. #
- Why did they have to pring rollos to the war room? I am gonna get fat today #
- opps that wasn't what I meant to retweet… #
- I want a shirt "Yes, I have ADD and playing with poker chips, or a pen or a deck of cards helps me focus, I am not just goofing off" #
- Back at work, but hey at least there is dinner on the way #
- Anyone want to do lunch or Dinner tomorrow (Sunday) with a weekend bachelor? #
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