Category: Fatherhood

  • Fathers and Prayer

    How to pray for your children? Consistently Constantly Fervently You find when you are a parent that your children reflect many things about you that make you smile and many things that will make you weep.  Often I find I am most frustrated with my children at moments when they are acting just like me. …

  • Children are Kids Not Adutls

    Have you ever had something in your head, you aren’t sure where it came from but it makes a difference in your life? “Most of you didn’t want kids, you wanted little adults.”  I know it was Matt Chandler but I can’t remember most of the context where he said it but I do realize…

  • Amazing Grace

    Amazing grace! How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found Was blind, but now I see. ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! Through many dangers, toils, and…

  • Repenting to my kids

    There is nothing more humbling than having to repent to your two and four year old. Not twenty four hours after I spent the day at a Conference dedicated to helping Men be more Godly I snapped at both of my little girls and my wife in major way.  I will be completely honest and…

  • Act Like Men

    Act like men will be a great conference dedicated to helping men be men.

  • What a stange encounter

    Heather and I had a very strange encounter last weekend.  We had decided to get my free birth day burger at a local restaurant and after asking to be moved away from the door and the negative wind chill we sat with the girls quietly waiting for our food to arrive.  It took a little…

  • Am I to much of a freak?

    My wife grew up listening to a series of records staring Psalty the singing song book and because of her love for this series she has purchased them for my daughter and Alora loves them.  I however do not.  I dislike them, not in the same way I do all of the other kids shows…