Biblical Church Leadership IV
The beginning of this series is found here: Biblical Leadership. Please start there if you haven’t read the previous posts in this series. This post will look into the role of the Deacons.
Biblical Church Leadership III
Continuing my posts on Biblical Church Leadership let me again warn the new reader that this is a continuation and it is recommended that you begin with the original post to fully understand the content. WARNING: Up to this point most people will probably have been in agreement with the major thrust of this series,…
Biblical Church Leadership II
This is a continuation of a previous post, if you haven’t read Biblical Church Leadership I suggest you first read it to make sure completely understand the context of this post. Today we will examine the elder.
Wow, answer to prayer!
I have to add this post to my normal rotation because it was such a great day. I prayed today, more than normal, for God to open the doors for me to share the gospel, to remove the yellow from my back to walk through it and to give me the proper words in the…
Biblical Church Leadership
I have recently started down a road of examining ecclesiology, or how the church is structured. Although I was taught a little about it in Bible College I have been challenged on the Biblical veracity of some of those teaching and so I began to study the concept. I understand that we all come into…
Book Review: The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Review of Huckleberry Finn As I begin writing this post, I don’t feel entirely adequate to review such a classic piece of American literature. Mark Twain was a brilliant man in many ways and his insight into the human condition is most astounding. The book is known to be one of the first to be…
The Parable of the Soils
I just read a section of a new book, “Organic Church” by Neil Cole, which book has me doing some introspection. He had a very interesting section on the Parable of the Sower, or as some call it “The Parable of the Soils”. I like this second name better as the parable seems to say…
Book Review: The Immortals — Tracy Hickman
I read this book for several reasons; first Tracy Hickman is one of my favorite fantasy authors, secondly it was available on podiobooks.com for free. It is a near future story that tells of American intern camps for people suffering from an AIDS like disease. I think it was a bit to overbearing in its…
Book Review: Going to Church in the First Century
Going to Church in the First Century This book was a delightful surprise, have heard about it on many house church sights and podcasts I finally got a copy for Christmas. Weighing in at a mere 50 pages I decided to conquer it as my first book of the year. The delight came when I…
Book Recommendations
If you haven’t looked before please take a look at my bookshelf located to the right of your screen. I am trying to get a few more books for the year and I am looking for recommendations from you, yes you. I have a good deal of books on my shelf this so far ready…