//Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-23
7 year old girl may have been burned alive but at least they got their man, right? http://bit.ly/c2sPyh # Anyone out there have any tips on getting two little ones to sleep in the same room? Our girls are playing for hours and not sleeping. # My #lost question: will we every know why we…
How do I get out of this rut?
<rant>Ever since I left my position as a youth pastor, I have been on cruise control in my personal spiritual life, and I am not happy about it. I still read and study scripture but not as much as I would like. I have recently joined with some other men in learning about what it…
I Wish…
I put off writing this until this morning in the hope that I would be able to write that my wife and I had caught up on our road trip but the fact of the matter is we didn’t. We are still several weeks behind but not as far as we were. I have to…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-16
I MISS MY WIFE!!!! # Edward v Lestat v Strahd v Rayne v Dracula v Angel v Selene v Blade : who will be the last vamp Standing? # If there is a smell worse then when you are cleaning full gutters, I don't want to know about it. # Anyone have the book "Gospel-Powered…
Question for Hollywood.
Something has bothered me recently that I wanted to talk about. I watch “Bones” it has interesting characters that go along with all of the science which is what shows like CSI lacked in my opinion. Recently they have added a character named Arastoo Vaziri. This character is a devoted traditional Muslim which puts him…
Awww Crap…
I really hated to write this but I felt I had to in order for this whole blogging through the Bible thing to work. One of the reasons I do it is for accountability I need to make it through. I am weeks behind on reading. April 25th to be exact. I am catching up…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-09
Anyone want to have a guys night Friday night? # RT @XIANITY: BREAKING NEWS: So-called "Gift of Helps" finally exposed as a fraud encouraged by those with "Gift of Delegation". # RT @BrandonMouser: the Evangelical Christian Guide to Superheroeshttp://wp.me/pKEPZ-5y # Thanks to Wayne Grudem I have a much clearer understanding of the inerrancy of scripture.…
Children are Kids Not Adutls
Have you ever had something in your head, you aren’t sure where it came from but it makes a difference in your life? “Most of you didn’t want kids, you wanted little adults.” I know it was Matt Chandler but I can’t remember most of the context where he said it but I do realize…
All Scripture; Really?
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. –2 Tim 3:16-17 All Scripture? Really?! Because I gotta tell you trudging through all of the lists of Numbers and Chronicles is…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-02
Watch out everyone your facebook is at it again and information may not be as private as you would like. http://bit.ly/9231AK # How to understand Home school parents if you aren't one a primer http://bit.ly/aNcK2u # Please people spell check your education protest signs http://bit.ly/ajfEn2 # Isn't it strange that the people most opposed to…