Month: May 2010

  • //Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-30

    NSFW is becomming one of my favorite Podcasts, especially with @Ohdoctah. # Thank you #LOST between you and #BSG I have officially given up on any of your type of shows. YOU ALL SUC K, and I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!! # I think today is an old school speed metal kind of day. (Metallica…

  • Ways #LOST could have been better

    This article is non-edited, stream of consciousness rant.  You have been warned… <rant> Kate could have died… While I would never root for the death of a real human being, Kate was an annoying character.  She had some shot at redemption at some point but I would have been fine if she would have died.…

  • //Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-23

    7 year old girl may have been burned alive but at least they got their man, right? # Anyone out there have any tips on getting two little ones to sleep in the same room? Our girls are playing for hours and not sleeping. # My #lost question: will we every know why we…

  • How do I get out of this rut?

    <rant>Ever since I left my position as a youth pastor, I have been on cruise control in my personal spiritual life, and I am not happy about it. I still read and study scripture but not as much as I would like.  I have recently joined with some other men in learning about what it…

  • I Wish…

    I put off writing this until this morning in the hope that I would be able to write that my wife and I had caught up on our road trip but the fact of the matter is we didn’t. We are still several weeks behind but not as far as we were.  I have to…

  • //Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-16

    I MISS MY WIFE!!!! # Edward v Lestat v Strahd v Rayne v Dracula v Angel v Selene v Blade : who will be the last vamp Standing? # If there is a smell worse then when you are cleaning full gutters, I don't want to know about it. # Anyone have the book "Gospel-Powered…

  • Question for Hollywood.

    Something has bothered me recently that I wanted to talk about.  I watch “Bones” it has interesting characters that go along with all of the science which is what shows like CSI lacked in my opinion. Recently they have added a character named Arastoo Vaziri.  This character is a devoted traditional Muslim which puts him…

  • Awww Crap…

    I really hated to write this but I felt I had to in order for this whole blogging through the Bible thing to work.  One of the reasons I do it is for accountability I need to make it through. I am weeks behind on reading. April 25th to be exact.  I am catching up…

  • //Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-09

    Anyone want to have a guys night Friday night? # RT @XIANITY: BREAKING NEWS: So-called "Gift of Helps" finally exposed as a fraud encouraged by those with "Gift of Delegation". # RT @BrandonMouser: the Evangelical Christian Guide to Superheroes # Thanks to Wayne Grudem I have a much clearer understanding of the inerrancy of scripture.…

  • Children are Kids Not Adutls

    Have you ever had something in your head, you aren’t sure where it came from but it makes a difference in your life? “Most of you didn’t want kids, you wanted little adults.”  I know it was Matt Chandler but I can’t remember most of the context where he said it but I do realize…