Category: News

  • Random Thoughts

    I find it interesting that on “America’s got Talent” there are two Brits and one American determining if America’s got Talent. The government as a whole refuses to allow people to suffer the ramifications of their bad decisions.  Stereotypically speaking the Republicans bail out ignorant businesses and the Democrats bail out ignorant individuals.  Why not…

  • The Problem With Boys… – Esquire

    This article is well done but a little long, this is something that is a passion of mine, I believe I was probably one of those problem boys, and I may continue to be now.  If it wasn’t for Ron Sprecher (my track coach) and my love of running I probably would have dropped out. …

  • Random Thoughts

    Why is it that all the people who do these concerts to save the planet take their private jets that burn more fuel in one hour than my car does all year? I am a little ashamed that my neighbors have made more active moves to talk to me than I have to them when…

  • This is insane!!!

    Have we seriously come to the point where any form of physical contact is considered bad?  Has anyone see Demolition Man, where they didn’t allow such a thing?  The world was turned into a giant wimp world.  Kids need to learn how to act properly and simply telling them no does not give them that…

  • That’s it I am moving to Texas

    I have said for years that Texas is one of the best states not only because it is only one to still have state pride, but because they tend to just make sense. In the wake of the VT massacre Texas’ Governor Perry has a great answer. State Government

  • Parents have no choice, School has “legitimate state interest” in teaching the homosexual lifestyle

    Further proof that you children are not yours but the states. If the ACLU had their way all children would be wards of the state and just in you house. This parent was arrested because he objected to his elementary age (less than 10) child being taught about alternative sexual lifestyles. What about teaching the…

  • The Sun Online – Bizarre: Cruise is Christ of Scientology

    The Sun Online – Bizarre: Cruise is Christ of Scientology Wow, if this isn’t going a bit to far I don’t know what is, and I bet Christians don’t say a word about it. Not that I think we should be as reactionary as some members of the body but if someone claimed he was…